Dancing With Crows

Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 ¡Cuervito malo! 500 Crustcore
2 ¡Venga ya! 500 Crustcore
3 A vista de cuervi 500 Crustcore
4 Com està el pati! 640 Oi!
5 Cuervipower 435 Crustcore
6 Cuervitos de 10 615 Crustcore
7 Do Me Now 650 Oi!
8 Do Not Disturb 785 Oi!
9 En son de paz 500 Crustcore
10 Escondiendo hitazos 500 Crustcore
11 Estarrufats 190 Hardcore Punk
12 Excited Crows 500 Crustcore
13 Fire on the Mountain 500 Crustcore
14 Girando eternamente 650 Oi!
15 Goleada 190 Hardcore Punk
16 Granny Will Your Dog Bite? 500 Crustcore
17 Great Days 195 Hardcore Punk
18 Hago click y vuelo vuelo 475 Oi!
19 Han vuelto todos 200 Hardcore Punk
20 House of the Rising Sun 500 Crustcore
21 Hungry beaks 500 Crustcore
22 Independece Crows 500 Crustcore
23 Ir por ir es tontería 500 Crustcore
24 La vida nómada es la mejor 645 Oi!
25 Like that that that 500 Crustcore
26 Lo que importa 500 Crustcore
27 Lunes noche 500 Crustcore
28 Martes Noche Martes Noche Martes Noche 500 Crustcore
29 Mentiras 185 Hardcore Punk
30 Mi lugar favorito 185 Hardcore Punk
31 Momento zen 480 Oi!
32 Mystic Crow's 500 Crustcore
33 No Signal 470 Oi!
34 Ojos sobrenaturales 655 Oi!
35 Pasividad agresiva 645 Oi!
36 Pelea de gallos 500 Crustcore
37 Peligro inminente 480 Oi!
38 Petita 650 Oi!
39 Pillaremos fuerte 475 Oi!
40 Polos opuestos 110 Hardcore Punk
41 Punk plumífero 545 Oi!
42 Que control! 650 Oi!
43 Que pase este invierno ya 475 Oi!
44 Que tiempos aquellos 655 Oi!
45 Quédate a dormir 490 Oi!
46 Recuerdos 480 Oi!
47 Remate cuervil 500 Crustcore
48 Sed de todo 500 Crustcore
49 Será CELESTIAL 500 Crustcore
50 Sois mi vida 500 Crustcore
51 Strange Times 185 Hardcore Punk
52 Toque mágico 500 Crustcore
53 Trece 190 Hardcore Punk
54 Tresdosuno 500 Crustcore
55 Una estrella 475 Oi!
56 Volamos o volamos 190 Hardcore Punk
57 Xiuleu insensats! 655 Oi!
58 Ya ya ya 500 Crustcore

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 14 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.