
Artist Repertoire

Songs played on stage by an artist have to be in their artist repertoire. You can add your own songs, or other people's songs, into your repertoire at any time. Playing songs written by people who aren't with the band are considered covers and won't score as high as your own material of similar quality. Songs which haven't been revealed to the public yet are listed on this page as New Songs.

You can select what information to display about your repertoire by changing the drop down lists in the repertoire view. For VIP members, your selection remains throughout the current session.

# Song Popularity Genre
1 Ar mes tapom loozeriais? 550 Country Pop
2 Balandėliai ar cepakai? 500 Christian Country
3 Balta mišrainė, krienai&kiti delikatesai 500 Christian Country
4 BDSM 795 Christian Country
5 Be my throne 305 Christian Country
6 Because my legs keeps opening up 540 Christian Country
7 Benitos antras vyras - vynas 490 Christian Country
8 Biggest fear - pabezdėt per live TV 500 Christian Country
9 Bite marks r love notes written in flesh 500 Christian Country
10 Blet, ne sapnas buvo?!! 500 Christian Country
11 Broke af, but not broken! 130 Christian Country
12 Buckle up, and there we go! 310 Christian Country
13 Būk mano asmeninis radiatorius 430 Christian Country
14 Buldakas - mano receptas į wc 545 Country Pop
15 Bulvė 525 Christian Country
16 Burnoje tirpstantys bulviniai blynai 130 Christian Country
17 Can I be your ice cream? 515 Christian Country
18 Chain me and do whatever u want 500 Christian Country
19 Chocolate is (not) better than s*x 520 Christian Country
20 Cibulis ir česnakiukas - perfect couple 500 Christian Country
21 Cobra für 11 500 Christian Country
22 Cuffink mane 550 Country Pop
23 Dark desires 570 Christian Country
24 Delulu is the solulu 130 Christian Country
25 Diagnozė - nedapisitas 500 Christian Country
26 Don't test me 500 Christian Country
27 Drama - llama 500 Christian Country
28 Du hast 500 Christian Country
29 Duok čiukčiai šautuvą- į vamzdį prišiks. 500 Christian Country
30 Duok man bučkį, o aš 2, 3, 4.. ir veganą 500 Christian Country
31 Essence of Evil 250 Christian Country
32 Ežiukas, kurio drįsta nesekti Dimužis 500 Christian Country
33 F*ck me deeper than my thoughts go 500 Christian Country
34 Fake Wang 500 Christian Country
35 FTB agentas a.k.a Dimitriy Ternovoy 315 Christian Country
36 Gana tų klaidų 545 Country Pop
37 Garso takelis siaubo filmui "Vėdarai" 500 Christian Country
38 Gasoline 500 Christian Country
39 Give me loyalty I'l treat u like royalty 500 Christian Country
40 Go f urself 560 Christian Country
41 Golden rule: eat kimchi near the WC 500 Christian Country
42 Greta's fabulous moustache 295 Christian Country
43 Greta's in heat 500 Christian Country
44 Half Chinese somehow 500 Christian Country
45 Horny until further notice 500 Christian Country
46 I can't drink alcohol. Why? 190 Christian Country
47 I can't kick balls but I can kick asses 505 Christian Country
48 I can't stop loving you 305 Christian Country
49 I have talents you can't put on resumes 500 Christian Country
50 I saw the light 500 Christian Country
51 I think my virginity is growing back... 500 Christian Country
52 I wanna be chained to ya 500 Christian Country
53 I want some tea! 250 Christian Country
54 I want to do unholy things to you 500 Christian Country
55 I want to strangle u with my bare hands 500 Christian Country
56 Ice on my teeth 130 Christian Country
57 If I were a bird...I would poop on some1 500 Christian Country
58 If man treats u like a toy, be Annabelle 120 Christian Country
59 I'm burning inside because of you 135 Christian Country
60 I'm clingy like a koala 505 Christian Country
61 I'm tired of this grandpa...THATS 2 BAD 500 Christian Country
62 Išėjau iš proto, grįšiu rytoj(?) 130 Christian Country
63 Jei būčiau kebabas, ar valgytum mane? 260 Christian Country
64 Jei Dima kaubojus, aš - jo kumelė 265 Christian Country
65 Karma pasiveja visus 550 Country Pop
66 Kartais mums visiems reikia išgert 500 Christian Country
67 Kept bulves ar visgi bandelę orkaitėj? 500 Christian Country
68 Kugeliukas su smetona ir spirgiais 135 Christian Country
69 Labiau moku kabint pakabas nei savo vyrą 485 Christian Country
70 Let me be your sweetest onion 495 Christian Country
71 Let me break your heart 525 Christian Country
72 Lidl by lidl 565 Christian Country
73 Manų košė su šmotu sviesto - nostalgic 500 Christian Country
74 Marry me. Taškas, ne klaustukas. 500 Christian Country
75 Max intriga. NOT 500 Christian Country
76 Me being myself is a real true crime 305 Christian Country
77 Milijonai žmonių, bet tu - vienintelis 130 Christian Country
78 Mirus ex žmona is a bit funny 260 Christian Country
79 My biggest desire - šaltekai 500 Christian Country
80 My husband is my bully! 305 Christian Country
81 My husband is my thirst trap 500 Christian Country
82 My inner child is happy (and stoned) 500 Christian Country
83 My pen is bigger than yours 500 Christian Country
84 My sour candy, I love u so f**king much 500 Christian Country
85 My type - sexy weirdos 500 Christian Country
86 Naughty naughty naughty! 500 Christian Country
87 Neišgėręs - nesuprasi. 500 Christian Country
88 Neprišik į dūšią - nereikės bambėt 495 Christian Country
89 No turning back 530 Christian Country
90 Noriu rodyt širdį, o ne papus 500 Christian Country
91 Noriu vėl nučiuožt nuo kalno... 500 Christian Country
92 On the quest of searching Tasha's brain 500 Christian Country
93 One more bet? Count me in! 500 Christian Country
94 Our small but loud Khaos 515 Christian Country
95 Pasimyluokim 545 Country Pop
96 Popocalypse? I should set myself on fire 305 Christian Country
97 Princesės irgi bezda 485 Christian Country
98 Ramenai su daug sūrio 135 Christian Country
99 Revenge is the best dessert! 480 Christian Country
100 Šaltekai su keptom bulvikėm 500 Christian Country
101 Šaltiena 260 Christian Country
102 Save me from myself 510 Christian Country
103 Serial slacker 500 Christian Country
104 Serial snacker 545 Country Pop
105 Sexy dancing elephant 130 Christian Country
106 Šiandien tekila, o ryt į darbą. 260 Christian Country
107 Slow it down, make it bouncy 235 Christian Country
108 Smile for me 500 Christian Country
109 Špaklius nepaslėps bjaurios sielos 500 Christian Country
110 Spongebob Schwammkopf 260 Christian Country
111 Sūdyti lašinukai ir cibulis! 500 Christian Country
112 Suffer worm 490 Christian Country
113 Sugar daddy 510 Christian Country
114 Suklijuok mano sielą su lipnia juosta 500 Christian Country
115 Sweet raspberry flavor on your lips 490 Christian Country
116 Tamsios akys, bet šviesi širdis 540 Country Pop
117 Tekila prieš darbą pats gazas 305 Christian Country
118 Tik tak (laikas, ne saldės) 500 Christian Country
119 Too hot to handle 500 Christian Country
120 Tu - mano visų gyvenimų liepsna 500 Christian Country
121 Two little hearts 550 Country Pop
122 Vergų armija 565 Christian Country
123 Veri big starrrr 130 Christian Country
124 Visos fake šypsenos kada nors užgęsta 550 Country Pop
125 Voodoo doll or gasoline? 245 Christian Country
126 Vynas, alus ar vodka? 530 Christian Country
127 Vynelis geriau nei vanduo 365 Christian Country
128 Vynelis, kaip hot bernelis - visad liuks 500 Christian Country
129 Vyno tik 1 taurė, o ir to sauso! 490 Christian Country
130 Weirdos 535 Christian Country
131 What doesn't kill u mutates&tries again 250 Christian Country
132 Where's my personal throne? 545 Christian Country
133 Which dildo is the best? Dima 3000 500 Christian Country
134 Who will remember me if I become a worm? 500 Christian Country
135 Wisdom is chasing u, but u move faster 310 Christian Country
136 Zviozdos ir jų anti-faniniai sPen**i 490 Christian Country
137 Мне хочется петь, но без тебя ни песни 500 Christian Country
138 После тебя моё сердце не может любить 310 Christian Country
139 Почему ты приходишь лишь только во сне? 490 Christian Country
140 Трумпи павадинимай ужкниса 500 Christian Country
141 Я в тебе глубоко, a ты во мне ещё глубже 500 Christian Country
142 사랑해요 500 Christian Country
143 안녕하세요 310 Christian Country

New Songs in Repertoire

This artist has 291 new songs not yet revealed to the public in its repertoire.