Hold it, Dear Mr. President

Recorded Songs

You need recorded songs, also called tracks, if you're going to release records. To record a song a member of the band has composed, and create a track, you need to book a session in a recording studio. For best results you should pick one of the appropriate genre and with good quality.

Work in Progress

Hold it, Dear Mr. President doesn't have any recording sessions booked.

Tracks Recording Releases Rating
The F 581888/21/2009 0 14
The first step towards recovery of despair 568086/25/2009 2 14
Searching for Trouble 567046/20/2009 2 14
A Heartbreaking Story 565326/13/2009 2 15
But oh, you are so good to me 563716/6/2009 0 14
Psychopathic 563526/6/2009 2 15
Cinderella, Cinderella 557885/13/2009 2 15
The Drunk Moon 557755/12/2009 2 15
What curious girls would call sexy 551434/16/2009 3 15
Mister Inconspicuous 549954/10/2009 3 15