Welcome to Sofia

The city of Sofia is located in Bulgaria, and currently the home of 447 people. The local time and date is 1/18/2025, 5:24 AM.

Through these pages you can find out more about the city, places to visit and what is happening here. To travel to another city you can either buy a plane ticket, hitch a ride with a touring band, or hop into a personal vehicle if you own one.

Upcoming days in Sofia

Day Date Weekday Holiday
46 1932721/18/2025 7Saturday
47 1932961/19/2025 1Sunday
48 1933201/20/2025 2Monday Halloween
49 1933441/21/2025 3Tuesday
50 1933681/22/2025 4Wednesday
51 1933921/23/2025 5Thursday
52 1934161/24/2025 6Friday Christmas

View the full city calendar

A word from the Mayor

Добре дошли в София!
Welcome to Sofia!

🏛️ Mayor's & Treasurer's Thread: 2360992.1
⚖️ Chief Justice's Thread: Soon...
🚨 Chief of Police's Thread: Soon...
💉 Feeling ill? Doctor's Thread: 1847101.1
City's Places:

💊 Четвърти километър (Psychology Clinic)

🚔 Полицейско управление Соф (Police Department)

🌊 Обществен плаж Панчарево (Beach)

🐇🏕️ Витоша (Countryside)

🛹🏀 Западен парк (Park)

🏋️‍♀️🏋️ Ескалибур (Gym)

☠️ ЦСГ Орландовци (Graveyard)

📙 СУ "Св. Климент Охридски" (University)

⭐🎶 Борисова градина (Festival Ground)

Open Homes:

🏡 Bar:+:Rococo "Lolita |SOF

🏡 старчески дом

🏡 SO Big family house

🏡 Къща за гости

Want some fun?

Check out the City Calendar for upcoming events, or visit the Social Pages to find other things to do in the near future.

Upcoming shows in Sofia

X!S is playing in Punk ≠ a hairstyle {Sofi} at 1/18/2025, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100
Chinata is playing in Prime Rock Sofia at 1/18/2025, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 94
International Monetary Fund is playing in Pööriöö | Sofia at 1/18/2025, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100
Diamond Star is playing in Dangerzone C SOF at 1/18/2025, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 51
Crazy Daze is playing in Mystic POP | SOF at 1/18/2025, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 95
Ezigmax is playing in Zellex | Sofia at 1/18/2025, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 100
Morning Dew is playing in Gangstah REG | SOF at 1/18/2025, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 68
Yam Brian is playing in Dangerzone R SOF 1 at 1/18/2025, 12:00 PM.
Tickets sold: 48

City Top Charts