Artists on Stage in Bucharest

Here are some of the artists performing live in the city right now. If you have a chance, please head down to the venue they're playing at and honor them by throwing your underwear on stage. They might say otherwise, but we suspect they will like it anyway.

Artist Attendance Impression
Far From Natal 28204 50
Red Vinyl 27362 50
I Love You Like An Alcoholic 10000 40
Inkina 10000 50
The Prestige 10000 50
Supermassive P'mundo Hole 10000 50
Mardy Bum 10000 40
Wild World 10000 40
Bulls In Brooklyn 10000 50
First ßreath Âfter Coma 9203 40
Tequila Sunrise 7118 40
Being a Fool is Not Cool 5576 40
Panophobia 5187 40
lullaby for a cat 4495 50
Eklipse 1557 30
Bultaoreune 1393 40
Bonamana 1044 40
Sweet Chaos 950 30
Children Of The Beast 835 30
Shadow's Outcasts 731 20