Most Popular Artists from Melbourne

Here are the top artists from this city right now. Try catching them live the next time they return to their hometown. Chances are they enjoy the company of groupies, so who knows, in addition to catching a good show, you might just get lucky.

# Artist Genre Ranking
1 Sledgehammer #33 Heavy Metal
2 The Broken Brains #22 Reggae
3 Sean O'pry #31 Pop
4 Shut Up Kelly #33 R&B
5 тнe Black Swans #67 Heavy Metal
6 bwyan #47 Classical
7 BADGE #132 Rock
8 Your favorite Country Chicks #39 Country & Western
9 3 The Bridge #45 World Music
10 Kid Williams #52 Country & Western
11 Erica Koula #139 Pop
12 Hidden In Plain Sight #114 Heavy Metal
13 Olivia Freya #153 Pop
14 Leon #77 Classical
15 (something) #95 Classical
16 My Hot Romance #306 Rock
17 Lestat in Flames #166 Modern Rock
18 The Matt's Experience #183 Modern Rock
19 Masquerade Plague #197 Heavy Metal
20 The Petting Zoo #199 Punk Rock
21 DreamTime Wandering #94 World Music
22 Itavrnai #228 Electronica
23 Deep Dark Fears #482 Rock
24 The Victoria Experience #114 Country & Western
25 The Sid Experience #252 Heavy Metal