Most Popular Artists from Chicago

Here are the top artists from this city right now. Try catching them live the next time they return to their hometown. Chances are they enjoy the company of groupies, so who knows, in addition to catching a good show, you might just get lucky.

# Artist Genre Ranking
1 Way Out West #1 Country & Western
2 Prisoner's Hope #4 Classical
3 Mad World #2 World Music
4 The Flaming Tumbleweed #6 Latin Music
5 Midnight Talkers #9 Latin Music
6 LOLITA #27 Pop
7 High Altitude #29 Modern Rock
8 Stunner #33 Modern Rock
9 Streets of Baltimore #36 Hip Hop
10 Big Bad Phil #105 Rock
11 Rising Up #58 Electronica
12 Poisoned Vanilla Heart #101 Heavy Metal
13 King James #66 Hip Hop
14 Mozartess #64 Classical
15 Kenseth #57 Country & Western
16 a man with no soul #121 Heavy Metal
17 Blue Fighters #232 Rock
18 Farr #240 Rock
19 The Dark Side #97 Jazz
20 Sister Sanderson! #68 Country & Western
21 Humping Jellyfish #136 Electronica
22 Your Fragile Ego #147 Modern Rock
23 Dollz’n’ Beats #97 Hip Hop
24 Lauren Sot #166 Modern Rock
25 Brandon Kennedy #103 Hip Hop