LA Date Fund

LA Date Fund

This is a privately owned company. It's entirely controlled by the shareholders and the shareholder they've appointed company president.

Note from the Management

The purpose of the LA Date Auctions is raise money to the educational and health systems of Los Angeles.

Said this, the money will go to the following places:
- Los Angeles Schools (Milestones, Nate Rossi Academy & Excelsior)
- USC and UCLA (City-Owned Universities)
- Pop University
- MR University
- Hip-Hop University
- Los Angeles Hospitals (City-Owned)
- Gedik Kaya University (not confirmed yet)
- Newbie Help Fund (new)

Company Information
Company Type Private
President E. Smith
Registered in Los Angeles
Cash 4.80 M$
Created 10/25/2012
Next Meeting 5/22/2025