Landini Management Co. | Into the Inferno

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Inferno | Amsterdam 969440 96,944.00 M$ 0 59
Inferno | Ankara 944800 94,480.00 M$ 0 70
Inferno | Antalya 978300 97,830.00 M$ 0 70
Inferno | Baku 950250 95,025.00 M$ 0 68
Inferno | Barcelona 978974 97,897.40 M$ 0 67
Inferno | Belgrad 954630 95,463.00 M$ 0 70
Inferno | Berlin 972040 97,204.00 M$ 0 67
Inferno | Brüksel 945450 94,545.00 M$ 0 67
Inferno | Budapeşte 941550 94,155.00 M$ 0 64
Inferno | Buenos Aires 958950 95,895.00 M$ 0 60
Inferno | Bükreş 938460 93,846.00 M$ 0 70
Inferno | Cakarta 910999 91,099.90 M$ 0 63
Inferno | Dubrovnik 953550 95,355.00 M$ 0 61
Inferno | Glasgow 970758 97,075.80 M$ 0 68
Inferno | Helsinki 963360 96,336.00 M$ 0 57
Inferno | İstanbul 994240 99,424.00 M$ 0 67
Inferno | İzmir 941400 94,140.00 M$ 0 67
Inferno | Johannesburg 958790 95,879.00 M$ 0 68
Inferno | Kiev 969650 96,965.00 M$ 0 70
Inferno | Kopenhag 954850 95,485.00 M$ 0 65
Inferno | Londra 976022 97,602.20 M$ 0 63
Inferno | Los Angeles 956050 95,605.00 M$ 0 73
Inferno | Madrid 961650 96,165.00 M$ 0 63
Inferno | Manila 887201 88,720.10 M$ 0 66
Inferno | Melbourne 948411 94,841.10 M$ 0 64
Inferno | Mexico City 916700 91,670.00 M$ 0 64
Inferno | Milano 951390 95,139.00 M$ 0 64
Inferno | Montreal 957580 95,758.00 M$ 0 66
Inferno | Moskova 947920 94,792.00 M$ 0 68
Inferno | Nashville 958000 95,800.00 M$ 0 67
Inferno | New York 984900 98,490.00 M$ 0 61
Inferno | Paris 978510 97,851.00 M$ 0 65
Inferno | Porto 972206 97,220.60 M$ 0 64
Inferno | Rio de Janeiro 953920 95,392.00 M$ 0 59
Inferno | Roma 967068 96,706.80 M$ 0 66
Inferno | Şangay 853700 85,370.00 M$ 0 70
Inferno | Sao Paulo 957900 95,790.00 M$ 0 66
Inferno | Saraybosna 950120 95,012.00 M$ 0 71
Inferno | Seattle 977130 97,713.00 M$ 0 68
Inferno | Şikago 968750 96,875.00 M$ 0 72
Inferno | Singapur 939700 93,970.00 M$ 0 69
Inferno | Sofya 953250 95,325.00 M$ 0 65
Inferno | Stokholm 936302 93,630.20 M$ 0 69
Inferno | Tallinn 938010 93,801.00 M$ 0 69
Inferno | Tokyo 973874 97,387.40 M$ 0 66
Inferno | Toronto 960800 96,080.00 M$ 0 69
Inferno | Tromso 935650 93,565.00 M$ 0 64
Inferno | Varşova 963720 96,372.00 M$ 0 70
Inferno | Vilnius 954550 95,455.00 M$ 0 65