Aşkın Clubs

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Aşkın | Amsterdam 3012761 301,276.10 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Ankara 1376870 137,687.00 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Antalya 1497123 149,712.30 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Bakü 1594263 159,426.30 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Barcelona 1647761 164,776.10 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Belgrad 1671592 167,159.20 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Berlin 3917559 391,755.90 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Brüksel 1004519 100,451.90 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Budapeşte 3098690 309,869.00 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Buenos Aires 2486649 248,664.90 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Bükreş 725381 72,538.10 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Cakarta 2070669 207,066.90 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Dubrovnik 5207909 520,790.90 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Glasgow 564130 56,413.00 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Helsinki 2784860 278,486.00 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | İstanbul 830076 83,007.60 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | İzmir 1070702 107,070.20 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Johannesburg 1614285 161,428.50 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Kiev 1795356 179,535.60 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Kopenhag 1687176 168,717.60 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Londra 3954489 395,448.90 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Los Angeles 3540064 354,006.40 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Madrid 1548699 154,869.90 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Manila 1956658 195,665.80 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Melbourne 731029 73,102.90 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Mexico City 1877726 187,772.60 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Milano 5045840 504,584.00 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Montreal 4516013 451,601.30 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Moskova 880500 88,050.00 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Nashville 851623 85,162.30 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | New York 2911940 291,194.00 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Paris 2952590 295,259.00 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Porto 1868828 186,882.80 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Rio de Janeiro 1276773 127,677.30 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Roma 2603735 260,373.50 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Şangay 1955807 195,580.70 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Sao Paulo 2942754 294,275.40 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Saraybosna 3555903 355,590.30 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Seattle 2651862 265,186.20 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Şikago 466253 46,625.30 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Singapur 1198774 119,877.40 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Sofya 1448735 144,873.50 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Stokholm 1988704 198,870.40 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Tallinn 3245743 324,574.30 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Tokyo 170988 17,098.80 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Toronto 4101414 410,141.40 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Tromso 2277729 227,772.90 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Varşova 3604536 360,453.60 M$ 50 100
Aşkın | Vilnius 2207160 220,716.00 M$ 50 100