Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

Select View

Locales Cash Quality Condition
Cohen's Hotel 3525161 352,516.10 M$ 50 99
London-London 4575155 457,515.50 M$ 0 100
Once Upon A Wonderland 2372375 237,237.50 M$ 30 100
Purrfect & Purrradiso IST 12907328 1,290,732.80 M$ 50 100
Purrfect & Purrradiso JAK 7492189 749,218.90 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purradiso BUENOS 7959209 795,920.90 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purradiso CHCAGO 8701421 870,142.10 M$ 50 98
Purrfect&Purradiso COPHGN 9878825 987,882.50 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso LOS A. 7295739 729,573.90 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso MANILA 7210040 721,004.00 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso MELBRN 7456455 745,645.50 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso MEXICO 10773955 1,077,395.50 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purradiso MILANO 6801869 680,186.90 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso NEW Y. 7368046 736,804.60 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso PARIS 5756522 575,652.20 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso PORTO 4567923 456,792.30 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso RIO 8050137 805,013.70 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso ROME 10042921 1,004,292.10 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso SAO P. 10743759 1,074,375.90 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso SARAJV 11838197 1,183,819.70 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso SEATTL 9008505 900,850.50 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso SHANG 4584604 458,460.40 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purradiso SINGPR 5359542 535,954.20 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purradiso SOFIA 7402499 740,249.90 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purradiso STOCKH 8218565 821,856.50 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purradiso TALLNN 4333732 433,373.20 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso TOKYO 6315854 631,585.40 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purradiso TORNT 8879662 887,966.20 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso TROMSO 10460373 1,046,037.30 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purradiso VILNS 11728980 1,172,898.00 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purradiso WARSAW 7334663 733,466.30 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purrradiso AMS 8823785 882,378.50 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purrradiso BARCA 6936521 693,652.10 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purrradiso BERL 6938387 693,838.70 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purrradiso BRUSS 9676664 967,666.40 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purrradiso GLSGW 14082276 1,408,227.60 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purrradiso IZMIR 8116108 811,610.80 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purrradiso KYVIV 11097895 1,109,789.50 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purrradiso LONDN 8852140 885,214.00 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purrradiso MADRD 4277370 427,737.00 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purrradiso MONTR 8907934 890,793.40 M$ 50 99
Purrfect&Purrradiso MOSCW 8716949 871,694.90 M$ 50 100
Purrfect&Purrradiso NASHV 10052544 1,005,254.40 M$ 50 98
Purrrfect&Purradiso JBURG 7607442 760,744.20 M$ 50 99
Purrrfect&Purrradiso ANK 9369275 936,927.50 M$ 40 100
Purrrfect&Purrradiso ANT 12551310 1,255,131.00 M$ 40 100
Purrrfect&Purrradiso BAKU 14437659 1,443,765.90 M$ 50 99
Purrrfect&Purrradiso BELG 12835482 1,283,548.20 M$ 40 100
Purrrfect&Purrradiso BUCH 13060420 1,306,042.00 M$ 50 99
Purrrfect&Purrradiso BUDA 14914921 1,491,492.10 M$ 50 100
Purrrfect&Purrradiso DUBR 11296890 1,129,689.00 M$ 50 100
Purrrfect&Purrradiso HELS 7776121 777,612.10 M$ 50 100