Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Deep Bar 611 - Amsterdã 861891 86,189.10 M$ 40 94
Deep Bar 611 - Ankara 869015 86,901.50 M$ 40 99
Deep Bar 611 - Antália 1488990 148,899.00 M$ 40 100
Deep Bar 611 - B. Aires 1971073 197,107.30 M$ 40 95
Deep Bar 611 - Baku 1330864 133,086.40 M$ 40 99
Deep Bar 611 - Barcelona 1224506 122,450.60 M$ 40 98
Deep Bar 611 - Belgrado 1282538 128,253.80 M$ 40 97
Deep Bar 611 - Berlim 1039212 103,921.20 M$ 40 93
Deep Bar 611 - Bruxelas 1199559 119,955.90 M$ 40 99
Deep Bar 611 - Bucareste 1172806 117,280.60 M$ 40 99
Deep Bar 611 - Budapeste 1218204 121,820.40 M$ 40 100
Deep Bar 611 - Chicago 1098364 109,836.40 M$ 40 99
Deep Bar 611 - Cingapura 1947117 194,711.70 M$ 40 96
Deep Bar 611 - Copenhague 1200768 120,076.80 M$ 40 100
Deep Bar 611 - Dubrovnik 1049634 104,963.40 M$ 40 98
Deep Bar 611 - Estocolmo 932755 93,275.50 M$ 30 91
Deep Bar 611 - Glasgow 1158063 115,806.30 M$ 40 99
Deep Bar 611 - Helsinque 1046177 104,617.70 M$ 40 92
Deep Bar 611 - Istambul 1259876 125,987.60 M$ 40 100
Deep Bar 611 - Izmir 1222364 122,236.40 M$ 40 98
Deep Bar 611 - Jacarta 864452 86,445.20 M$ 40 91
Deep Bar 611 - Joanesburg 974267 97,426.70 M$ 40 100
Deep Bar 611 - Kiev 1014801 101,480.10 M$ 40 91
Deep Bar 611 - L. Angeles 588079 58,807.90 M$ 50 98
Deep Bar 611 - Londres 729261 72,926.10 M$ 50 98
Deep Bar 611 - Madri 1153530 115,353.00 M$ 40 100
Deep Bar 611 - Manila 1640781 164,078.10 M$ 40 87
Deep Bar 611 - Melbourne 2221129 222,112.90 M$ 50 99
Deep Bar 611 - México 420380 42,038.00 M$ 50 92
Deep Bar 611 - Milão 906186 90,618.60 M$ 50 98
Deep Bar 611 - Montreal 636854 63,685.40 M$ 50 100
Deep Bar 611 - Moscou 776100 77,610.00 M$ 30 92
Deep Bar 611 - N. Iorque 1076317 107,631.70 M$ 50 99
Deep Bar 611 - Nashville 747001 74,700.10 M$ 50 99
Deep Bar 611 - Paris 1410708 141,070.80 M$ 50 99
Deep Bar 611 - Porto 1158648 115,864.80 M$ 40 99
Deep Bar 611 - RJ 1249955 124,995.50 M$ 40 98
Deep Bar 611 - Roma 1184744 118,474.40 M$ 50 97
Deep Bar 611 - Sarajevo 863682 86,368.20 M$ 40 99
Deep Bar 611 - Seattle 958160 95,816.00 M$ 50 100
Deep Bar 611 - Sofia 1023106 102,310.60 M$ 50 100
Deep Bar 611 - SP 1375253 137,525.30 M$ 40 96
Deep Bar 611 - Tallinn 837700 83,770.00 M$ 40 90
Deep Bar 611 - Tóquio 2074930 207,493.00 M$ 50 99
Deep Bar 611 - Toronto 390943 39,094.30 M$ 50 95
Deep Bar 611 - Tromso 795970 79,597.00 M$ 30 92
Deep Bar 611 - Varsóvia 941678 94,167.80 M$ 40 93
Deep Bar 611 - Vilnius 892504 89,250.40 M$ 40 96
Deep Bar 611 - Xangai 819078 81,907.80 M$ 40 91
FELDMAN RECORDS 48552047 4,855,204.70 M$ 40 97