Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

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Locales Cash Quality Condition
Gomorrah 953728 95,372.80 M$ 50 98
NCR - (Amsterdam) 4319277 431,927.70 M$ 50 98
NCR - (Ankara) 5152713 515,271.30 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Antalya) 4896967 489,696.70 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Baku) 1555734 155,573.40 M$ 50 100
NCR - (Barcelona) 2713757 271,375.70 M$ 50 97
NCR - (Belgrado) 2459386 245,938.60 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Berlin) 1951672 195,167.20 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Bruselas) 2428347 242,834.70 M$ 50 99
NCR - (BS AS) 1019409 101,940.90 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Bucarest) 1460488 146,048.80 M$ 50 100
NCR - (Budapest) 1715196 171,519.60 M$ 50 98
NCR - (Chicago) 11114247 1,111,424.70 M$ 50 98
NCR - (Copenhague) 843044 84,304.40 M$ 50 97
NCR - (Dubrovnik) 1991814 199,181.40 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Esmirna) 1455538 145,553.80 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Estambul) 3518757 351,875.70 M$ 50 100
NCR - (Estocolmo) 2976198 297,619.80 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Glasgow) 1896161 189,616.10 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Helsinki) 1065488 106,548.80 M$ 50 100
NCR - (Johannesburgo) 3425359 342,535.90 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Kiev) 2376401 237,640.10 M$ 50 99
NCR - (LA) 1999977 199,997.70 M$ 50 97
NCR - (Londres) 10253481 1,025,348.10 M$ 50 95
NCR - (Madrid) 2541166 254,116.60 M$ 50 96
NCR - (Manila) 617607 61,760.70 M$ 50 98
NCR - (Melbourne) 7062279 706,227.90 M$ 50 100
NCR - (México) 5415073 541,507.30 M$ 50 97
NCR - (Milan) 4147153 414,715.30 M$ 50 98
NCR - (Montreal) 7309292 730,929.20 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Moscu) 1325055 132,505.50 M$ 50 100
NCR - (Nashville) 7193659 719,365.90 M$ 50 99
NCR - (NY) 2536437 253,643.70 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Oporto) 2769930 276,993.00 M$ 50 100
NCR - (Paris) 2659005 265,900.50 M$ 50 98
NCR - (Río) 932327 93,232.70 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Roma) 1694361 169,436.10 M$ 50 100
NCR - (São Paulo) 3663433 366,343.30 M$ 50 98
NCR - (Sarajevo) 2417731 241,773.10 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Seattle) 3395056 339,505.60 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Shanghai) 675529 67,552.90 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Singapur) 849924 84,992.40 M$ 50 98
NCR - (Sofia) 2122782 212,278.20 M$ 50 98
NCR - (Tallin) 1637788 163,778.80 M$ 50 100
NCR - (Tokio) 7334989 733,498.90 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Toronto) 5320857 532,085.70 M$ 50 99
NCR - (Tromso) 816100 81,610.00 M$ 50 100
NCR - (Varsovia) 592735 59,273.50 M$ 50 98
NCR - (Vilna) 880482 88,048.20 M$ 50 100
NCR - (Yakarta) 815200 81,520.00 M$ 50 98
The Ultra Luxe Records 1334744 133,474.40 M$ 0 97