Mogilevich Holdings

Company Locales

These are the locales owned and operated by this company. Please don't forget that when a locale runs out of money, the people employed there won't get their salary and they'll quit their jobs and perhaps even trash the locale. Also, if the condition falls to the bottom the locale can collapse at any given moment.

Select View

Locales Cash Quality Condition
CMG Recording Stu 0 0.00 M$ 0 0
CMG Recording Studio BA 4447569 444,756.90 M$ 20 65
CMG Recording Studio BEL 4305059 430,505.90 M$ 20 69
CMG Recording Studio BER 4417045 441,704.50 M$ 20 61
CMG Recording Studio CHI 4662019 466,201.90 M$ 20 65
CMG Recording Studio GLA 4425712 442,571.20 M$ 20 61
CMG Recording Studio HEL 3979076 397,907.60 M$ 20 71
CMG Recording Studio JOH 4346028 434,602.80 M$ 20 66
CMG Recording Studio MAN 3679554 367,955.40 M$ 20 69
CMG Recording Studio MEL 4379502 437,950.20 M$ 20 65
CMG Recording Studio MIL 4328776 432,877.60 M$ 20 62
CMG Recording Studio MON 3885806 388,580.60 M$ 20 78
CMG Recording Studio MOS 3894378 389,437.80 M$ 20 68
CMG Recording Studio P 0 0.00 M$ 0 0
CMG Recording Studio SAO 3971638 397,163.80 M$ 20 62
CMG Recording Studio SEA 4383102 438,310.20 M$ 20 70
CMG Recording Studio SHA 3751516 375,151.60 M$ 20 70
CMG Recording Studio SIN 3841074 384,107.40 M$ 20 75
CMG Recording Studio TOR 3563033 356,303.30 M$ 20 67
CMG Recording Studio VIL 4063126 406,312.60 M$ 20 66
CMG Recording Studio WAR 4412024 441,202.40 M$ 20 72