Mexican Pre-Festival Christmas Week

This page contains information on a specific competition. Competitions are social events where players put on their best performances in an effort to outshine everyone else.

Competition Info
Name: Mexican Pre-Festival Christmas Week
Type: Live Aid Festival
Charity: Jane & John Doe Foundation
Price Distribution: Winner Takes it All
Current Pot: 8,000.00 M$
Minimum Entries: 10
Entry Cost: 500.00 M$
Locale: Parque de Tenochtitlán
City: Mexico City
Arranged By: L. Lönnbrant
Time: 5/6/2010, 12:00 PM to 5/12/2010, 10:00 PM
Booking Starts: 12/31/2002, 5:00 PM
Description: [b]“Mexican Pre-Festival Christmas Week”[/b]

Coincidiendo con las festividades navideñas y justo antes de la Clasificatoria para el Festivalse crea el “Mexican Pre-Festival Christmas Week”. Un Live Aid previo a la gran fiesta de la musica donde todos los grupos serán bienvenidos.

Los interesados en participar debéis postear en [message=1546663.1] el día y hora que queréis tocar y recibiréis la invitación.

Hemos creído oportuno que los beneficios obtenidos del Live Aid serán destinados a “Jane & John Doe Foundation”.

[b]¡Animaros a participar en un evento con espíritu festivalero y navideño![/b]

* La competición será gestionada por [charid=17432 name=Linus Lönnbrant].
Status: Completed

Competition Winners

Here are the top three results from this competition listed with links to their respective shows. For a complete list of the final results click HERE.

1 Red Storm revolutionary
2 Hierbabuena perfect
3 Tantrix Erotism terrific