~Best Rocker of The World~ Schedule

This page shows you the scheduled shows of contestants in this competition.

Date Artist
5/4/2008, 12:00 PM ●๋•ιllιlı AnArChIsT ılıllı●๋• abysmal
5/4/2008, 2:00 PM !!!RoCkN RoLL!!! truly abysmal
5/4/2008, 4:00 PM P.I.G. Failed
5/4/2008, 6:00 PM El Principe de la Niebla poor
5/4/2008, 10:00 PM niLy dreadful
5/5/2008, 12:00 PM ^eparadox^ bottom dwelling
5/5/2008, 2:00 PM X-A4 dreadful
5/5/2008, 4:00 PM ♪ NX ZERO ♪ Failed
5/5/2008, 8:00 PM KirpiLi TiLki horrendous
5/5/2008, 10:00 PM **LuCy** Failed
5/6/2008, 12:00 PM Bon Jovi bottom dwelling
5/6/2008, 2:00 PM ..JeLyBoNn.. horrendous
5/6/2008, 4:00 PM Deadly Sto(R)m below average
5/6/2008, 6:00 PM RASS SMONKA below average
5/6/2008, 8:00 PM Elven King bottom dwelling
5/7/2008, 12:00 PM byrock horrendous