The Hard Rock Rio III Schedule

This page shows you the scheduled shows of contestants in this competition.

Date Artist
8/25/2008, 2:00 PM Burning Mind horrendous
8/25/2008, 8:00 PM Poison Reverse below average
8/25/2008, 10:00 PM Solanum lycopersicum sweet
8/26/2008, 4:00 PM Johnny Brawn below average
8/28/2008, 4:00 PM Psi Ψ splendid
8/28/2008, 10:00 PM Heroes of Death City pleasant
8/29/2008, 12:00 PM Código 5 splendid
8/29/2008, 8:00 PM Afterhours dreadful
8/30/2008, 6:00 PM &&_Kiv RoCk_&& decent
8/31/2008, 8:00 PM Balpaartje mediocre
9/1/2008, 12:00 PM SMaLL GiRLS poor