Solid Steel Tour - Stockholm Schedule

This page shows you the scheduled shows of contestants in this competition.

Date Artist
3/20/2009, 12:00 PM Angelblood awesome
3/20/2009, 2:00 PM Impaled Norwegian great
3/20/2009, 4:00 PM Peer & The Verts great
3/20/2009, 6:00 PM Absolute Disaster terrific
3/20/2009, 8:00 PM Unskilled Bastards terrific
3/20/2009, 10:00 PM When Nothing Remains awesome
3/21/2009, 12:00 PM Kuolon Paavi sweet
3/21/2009, 2:00 PM Oiva pleasant
3/21/2009, 4:00 PM The Aesthetics of Sorrow good
3/21/2009, 6:00 PM Kaira great
3/21/2009, 8:00 PM Sonata Antarctica Failed
3/21/2009, 10:00 PM Messiah splendid
3/22/2009, 12:00 PM Kheldar good
3/22/2009, 2:00 PM The Dead Pleasures Research awesome
3/22/2009, 6:00 PM undertaker sweet
3/22/2009, 8:00 PM The Mark Knopfler Experience awesome
3/22/2009, 10:00 PM Fighting Dreamers good
3/23/2009, 6:00 PM Sorsat decent
3/25/2009, 12:00 PM I Metal! poor
3/25/2009, 2:00 PM Worn Panties splendid
3/25/2009, 4:00 PM Koodinimi Kakofonia splendid
3/25/2009, 8:00 PM THE TRIPODS great
3/25/2009, 10:00 PM CyCloMaN decent
3/26/2009, 12:00 PM Varnsdorf poor
3/26/2009, 2:00 PM Asherah splendid
3/26/2009, 4:00 PM Samu & no zombies awesome
3/26/2009, 6:00 PM Dr Mark Sloan pleasant
3/26/2009, 8:00 PM Eppur Si Muove good
3/26/2009, 10:00 PM Our Beautiful Hell splendid