The City of Metal Final Result

This page shows you the current standings of a competition.

# Artist Score (Link to show)
1 Garrote Vil wonderful
2 HMHM splendid
3 Skyscrapers ™ sweet
4 Metal Mjolnir sweet
5 Virtual Sins pleasant
6 Urban Legend decent
7 Peter Dickinson below average
8 Ninja Attack poor
9 ASSIF terrible
10 Storm Of Rage terrible
11 Skinny Electric Bastards terrible
12 Ninho de Mafagafo dreadful
13 Bloody Scream horrendous
14 Paraty Failed
15 The Evil Rockers Failed
16 Stainless Steel Failed
17 Bloody Sabbath Failed
18 _PortakaL_ Failed
19 Bolivardy Failed
20 Ķяєuzρяєϊѕ° Failed
21 Crandalium Failed