L-Ektro Competition In Toronto Final Result

This page shows you the current standings of a competition.

# Artist Score (Link to show)
1 Bacchus sweet
2 Journey Galactica good
3 Delirium nice
4 DJ Lob nice
5 Spud Goldfarb nice
6 The B’s nice
7 Knight decent
8 Dj Molpeth above average
9 Emrehan Cakil mediocre
10 Plástica mediocre
11 D.H.T mediocre
12 El-Pepe below average
13 Moriros below average
14 Tricksy poor
15 Aura Six poor
16 Megalia Sinfa poor
17 The Lance Haleys Failed
18 CoolRule Failed
19 Gegen Failed
20 Entangle Failed
21 Dj DjulZ Failed
22 Psyco! Failed