Full Metal Jacket Fest 2008 Final Result

This page shows you the current standings of a competition.

# Artist Score (Link to show)
1 Anymor3 decent
2 Agma above average
3 Tezekratör above average
4 Fistknife mediocre
5 Espuela mediocre
6 ¡¡¡""Magico Poder""!!! below average
7 Dälsdätör Tätörium poor
8 Blackmike poor
9 Düşüdonuk poor
10 Lih Guns poor
11 Terminator One terrible
12 Sweaty Dreams horrendous
13 zeytin--//ALABAMA//--cimcim truly abysmal
14 Sum of the Dark Failed
15 Aurora Borealis Failed
16 Sarcophagus Failed
17 Anti-Fag Failed