Berliner Stadttempel
All you need is love! Yet sometimes some spiritual guidance or plain old fear of the almighty is necessary to set things straight... for some people at least. That is why there are temples in this world. Come here to say your prayers, meditate, and reflect on the world around us.
Note from the Management
Willkommen in Berlin!
• Fragen und Antworten: 2123268.1
• Einen Arzt finden: 1877882.1
Welcome to Berlin!
• Popmundo FAQ: 2113457.1
• Doctor needed: Fund 1877882.1

Priests who perform weddings:
Priester, die Hochzeiten zelebrieren: Alexis BaylissViolant Dohmen... and other employed priests.
... und (fast) alle anderen angestellten Priester.
Der Berliner Stadttempel war früher bekannt als "Las Vegas ♥Chapel♥ Berlin"
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