Vilniaus Komisariatas

The police station is here for your service and protection. The donut stand outside is there by accident. Police don't eat more donuts than the rest of us.

Basic Info

Locale Type: Police Station
City: Vilnius
City Zone: Senamiestis (Center of Town)
Management: Vilnius Police
Quality: 40
Condition: perfect
Cash: 43,587,018.90 M$
Service Cost: 5.00 M$

Note from the Management

Vilnius Police Department - 2292351.1

Policijos viršininkas (CoP) - Benita Strazdas

Norint įsidarbinti, kreiptis į Benita Strazdas .

Informacija miesto gyventojams ir svečiams: norint apsisaugoti nuo does
tipo vagysčių, rekomenduojame išmokti įgūdį: Pagrindai: Nuovokumas gatvėse. Neturite galimybės įsigyti? Kreipkitės į CoP Benita Strazdas.

If you looking for a job, please do not hesitate contact with me.

Information for guests & residents: To prevent does robberies, we recommend learning the skill Basics: Savvy on the streets. If you can not get this, we will give you this book. Please contact for this to CoP Benita Strazdas.

Dear officers, please to stay in Vilnius as much as possible. Thanks in advance.