Hôpital Général Juif
The hospital is where you go whenever your health or mood is failing. Whenever your health or mood become too low you'll be automatically hospitalized by the system. Once hospitalized you will remain here until you're well enough to be released without danger.
Should you have pressing matters elsewhere while hospitalized it's possible to release yourself from the hospital but if you don't get well on your own you'll probably be hospitalized again shortly thereafter.
The hospital is also a good place to visit if you have questions regarding eventual diseases, pregnancies, and paternity tests.
Note from the Management
Chlamydia can be caught from groupies even with a condom, or someone already infected without a condom. Anyone can have Chlamydia.
Warning: The vaccine: Pregnancy [beige] will make you sterile forever
Il nous faut des médecins. Prenez un emploi et contactez nous
La chlamydia peut être attrapée par des relations sexuelles avec vos groupies, même si vous utilisez un condom. Elle peut aussi être attrapée si vous avez une relation sexuelle avec quelqu'un et que vous ne portez pas de condom. N'oubliez pas: il est impossible de savoir qui en souffre.
Avertissement: Si vous utilisez le vaccin Grossesse [Beige] vous ne serez plus jamais enceinte.Do you need a doctor? Are you sick? Do you need medical supplies? Do you need a vaccine? Anything else? contact me
Malade / Sick