Palacio de Gobierno

City Hall is from where the local politicians rule their cities. Although the mayor is rarely present here, it's still a good place to visit to air your political views and receive help with everything regarding your citizenship. You become a citizen of this world by purchasing a citizenship for credits. Once you've done that all matters regarding your citizenship is handled here at city hall.

Basic Info

Locale Type: City Hall
City: Mexico City
City Zone: El Zócalo (Center of Town)
Management: CDMX
Quality: 50
Condition: incredible
Cash: 3,555,612,068.40 M$

Note from the Management

El Palacio de Gobierno es donde el Alcalde, Teniente Alcalde, Tesorero y Oficiales de Policía, además de otros funcionarios políticos de la ciudad hacen reuniones para discutir aquellos temas que mejorarán la calidad de vida de la ciudad de México DF.

En este lugar puedes solicitar subsidio para conseguir un empleo y fundar una compañía, o cambiar tu ciudadanía.


The City Hall is where your beloved Mayor, Vice-Mayor, Treasurier and Police Officers, besides other participants of our city politics gather in order to discuss matters that shall make your life better at Mexico City day by day.

In this place you can search for a job and start a company, change the city you live at or your citizenship.

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