A tribe for people who don't give a fuck what others think about them because they're proud of who they are.

If you, your friends or family fit this description and would like to join us, message Mak and I'll send out invitations.

Club Information
Created: 12/2/2009
Leader: M. Archer
Club House: London Fallout Shelter
City: London
Management: IDGAF Tribe Co.
Size: 2 members
Accepts applications: No

Regarding social clubs

A social club is a place where people gather to fraternize and share common interests. The only way of becoming a member of a social club is to be invited by the club leader. All social clubs have a club house where the members meet.

VIPs can be a member of up to five social clubs at the same time, while non-VIPs can only be a member of one.