The Silent Majority
Things to RememberPeople play differently.
Your way doesn't take precedence because it's your way.
Diversity, welcome or not, spreads the cost of "modest wages" and the servers required to keep the game alive, thus keeping the cost to the player base, and therefore popmundo, viable.
If you purchase VIP, great, but try to remember you purchased VIP, not the right to act like a genocidal fascist.
Greater eloquence, or even membership of a debating society, does not add greater truth to your point of view. If you disagree, go argue this point with a barrister / attorney, and you'll fair about as well as those players for whom English is a second language fair, when you and your smug buddies hunt them down in packs in some kind of self-congratulatory blood sport.
Try to remember most points of contention are wide open to interpretation.
are less satisfactory outcomes than agreeing to disagree.
Pointier PointsBullying is still bullying when you agree with, or even are, the bullies. Be it in London, or Glasgow, try to avoid doing it. If you do do it, try not to then use a scatter gun to fire your accusations of bullying, as you parade your tarnished halo over a banner of bullying, after you and your lynch mob did exactly the same thing, for reasons way more petty and self-serving than the welfare of a major city.
And last but by no means least, if you go around trying to deliberately provoke people, do not act like the victim when a few of those people bite back. YOU, created the drama, and some people won't care less which partisan court you and your ADHD dance for, in return for blind solidarity.
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Disclaimer: Fourteen is the majority.. of this tribe 
Regarding social clubs
A social club is a place where people gather to fraternize and share common interests. The only way of becoming a member of a social club is to be invited by the club leader. All social clubs have a club house where the members meet.
VIPs can be a member of up to five social clubs at the same time, while non-VIPs can only be a member of one.