Nightshade Society

❀The Nightshades are an elite social club.Emphasis on elite.❀

Nightshade Society is a Tokyo friendly social club that unites all people and citizens for various purposes. The Nightshades welcomes everyone who wants to join and to find a community who share the same interests. The club accepts citizens of Tokyo, people who were born in the city and people who admire our culture!

❀Apply here: App

Our club offers:
Help for newbies (learning together)
• Friendly community
•Narrative Roleplay
•Anime/Manga/Video Games
•Drama (K,C,J, etc)
Secret HQ to stay or just hang out with other members
• Chat lounge
• Beautiful view of the forest and animals through our club HQ windows

❀And don't forget to join our social club forum!❀

❀Club is given to you by Liio Diavel León .❀

Club Information
Created: 12/1/2022
Leader: K. Robinson
Club House: Nightshades HQ
City: Tokyo
Management: Nightshade Society
Size: 3 members
Accepts applications: No

Regarding social clubs

A social club is a place where people gather to fraternize and share common interests. The only way of becoming a member of a social club is to be invited by the club leader. All social clubs have a club house where the members meet.

VIPs can be a member of up to five social clubs at the same time, while non-VIPs can only be a member of one.