Musical Genre Ranking

Current rank of all musical artists represented in the social club, separated by genre.

African Music

# Rank Artist
1 19 Ewingloor
2 47 Extreme Fingers
3 190 PaGODe Of War


# Rank Artist
1 31 Shub Niggurath


# Rank Artist
1 28 Les Miserables

Country & Western

# Rank Artist
1 36 Thuиderbaиd
2 213 Everybody Loves


# Rank Artist
1 16 Sensual Vibration


# Rank Artist
1 238 Through the Eyes of the World

Hip Hop

# Rank Artist
1 291 Da Art of Manguetown


# Rank Artist
1 40 Beco do Batman
2 44 Striking

Latin Music

# Rank Artist
1 95 A Kind of Magic
2 194 "Presença de Anita"

Modern Rock

# Rank Artist
1 527 Código 5


# Rank Artist
1 195 Kitty Goes Purr
2 687 Disturbing Hurricane

Punk Rock

# Rank Artist
1 36 Demons of Chaos
2 52 Living Hell


# Rank Artist
1 43 Angels Galaxy


# Rank Artist
1 80 Pussycat Voodoo Dolls
2 85 Đevîlîsh
3 754 Pulort
4 1133 Angry