That yelling girl

The recording studio is where artists record tracks of their songs. You'll find everything you'll need to book a recording session here, or any other record studio, over on your artist page. Although it's possible to record a track in any recording studio, it's probably a good idea to contact the people you have signed a contract with first, since they might offer you discounts and other special treatment. If you don't have a record contract yet, please contact the management of a suitable recording studio to have them offer you one. You must have a record contract to actually release your recorded tracks to the public.

Basic Info

Locale Type: Record Studio
Genre: Punk Rock (truly abysmal)
City: Johannesburg
City Zone: Soweto (Slum)
Management: The Amber of the Moment
Quality: 0
Condition: terrible
Cash: 0.00 M$
Doors: Locked

Note from the Management

Because this is still true
It was since the first second
It is every second of every day of my life.

Now you can record your own yells in your hometown.
Happy birthday Raíssa.