Criminal Crew Ranking

Current rank of all crews represented in the social club, separated by number of members.

Crews with 1 member

# Rank Crew
1 11 Quasi
3 268 DeNeB
4 308 Fleet Street
5 436 SONS
6 500 La Garduña
7 781 Caravaggio
8 801 Sociedad Secreta...
9 824 Couple off WolveS
10 1190 Tiger Lily
11 1240 Plastic Back&Knee
12 1559 Balls and Chains
13 1561 2D Paus
14 1638 Lady Dynamite
15 2032 BlueSun Labs
16 2042 Malthusians Pay the Cops (CC)
17 2349 - E(u)phoria -

Crews with 2 members

# Rank Crew
1 3 Engin Miskunn
2 285 The jungle
3 318 Lunaтic Pandora
4 445 Breaking the law
5 613 Aaaaa
6 633 Los del mono rojo
7 924 Mochuelowl
8 951 -Fortune-
9 1742 Power of three
10 1767 God Save The Queen
11 1822 Les Feммes
12 1893 Lost in Paradise
13 2639 House Of Renaissance

Crews with 3 members

# Rank Crew
1 68 :::Bad Bitch Club:::
2 388 Golden Frappe
3 389 The Daleks
4 447 Las Lobo
5 1337 Checkmatə
6 1764 Inimigos do Estado
7 1904 Papel Para los Cerdos