Criminal Crew Ranking

Current rank of all crews represented in the social club, separated by number of members.

Crews with 1 member

# Rank Crew
1 272 The Sting
2 577 Üçücük turşucuk
3 603 Yin Yang
4 657 Forever Falling
5 737 Mars Retrograde
6 752 sleepwalker
7 823 Gloom
9 1006 Emperor's Shadow
10 1046 CraZy
11 2005 Surreal Criminals
12 2912 ÇeteJ
13 3009 Sienna Adlı Kişinin Suç Çetesi
14 3235 The Biggest Scam
15 3687 SUCK
16 3914 Diablo

Crews with 2 members

# Rank Crew
1 7 Haynape
2 190 KaLeid0sCope
3 297 btw, u'r gorgeous
4 403 Baileys
5 536 sleep token
6 546 Sentimental Ambargo
7 765 Öyle böyle
8 2091 Black List
9 2528 Pegateur
10 2885 Pankrati
11 3153 Alena Adlı Kişinin Suç Çetesi
12 3668 亗 Neon Lights 亗

Crews with 3 members

# Rank Crew
1 63 Tekin Ailesi
2 67 blue label
3 395 Gloriosa das Trevas
4 485 White Industries
5 2211 Festina Lente