the children of the city

Cities Visited

This page shows when an artist played in a city the last time. Band members belonging to this artist can also see the total amount of times they've played in a city as well as how many tickets they've sold in each city the last game year. (A year in this game is 56 days long in real life.)

City Last Visit Visits Details
Baku 888812/20/2013 10 Details
Brussels 715663/1/2011 13 Details
Rio de Janeiro 674109/9/2010 3 Details
London 648695/26/2010 8 Details
Montreal 648265/24/2010 4 Details
New York 648025/23/2010 2 Details
Toronto 647805/22/2010 2 Details
Nashville 647555/21/2010 3 Details
Seattle 647335/20/2010 1 Details
Los Angeles 647095/19/2010 4 Details
Mexico City 646835/18/2010 3 Details
Shanghai 646455/17/2010 3 Details
Manila 646225/16/2010 1 Details
Jakarta 645995/15/2010 1 Details
Johannesburg 645325/12/2010 1 Details
São Paulo 644895/10/2010 2 Details
Buenos Aires 644655/9/2010 3 Details
Singapore 644065/7/2010 5 Details
Ankara 643875/6/2010 17 Details
Dubrovnik 641724/27/2010 7 Details
Sarajevo 641484/26/2010 4 Details
Belgrade 641244/25/2010 2 Details
Budapest 641004/24/2010 2 Details
Istanbul 640274/21/2010 60 Details
Rome 639564/18/2010 6 Details
Barcelona 639324/17/2010 5 Details
Madrid 639084/16/2010 4 Details
Porto 638854/15/2010 5 Details
Paris 638604/14/2010 20 Details
Tromsø 638364/13/2010 6 Details
Copenhagen 638124/12/2010 10 Details
Berlin 637904/11/2010 11 Details
Amsterdam 637644/10/2010 4 Details
Izmir 630913/13/2010 5 Details
Sofia 630433/11/2010 3 Details
Milan 630203/10/2010 2 Details
Kyiv 6090712/12/2009 3 Details
Stockholm 587989/15/2009 10 Details
Glasgow 587279/12/2009 2 Details
Warsaw 489588/1/2008 1 Details
Bucharest 488377/27/2008 1 Details
Vilnius 450212/19/2008 5 Details
Tallinn 449932/18/2008 5 Details
Helsinki 449692/17/2008 8 Details
Melbourne 4167610/3/2007 1 Details
Moscow 414169/22/2007 1 Details
Chicago 0Never 0
Antalya 0Never 0
Tokyo 0Never 0

Cities Visited Summary

Total number of shows: 279
Cities visited: 46/49